Whoo Hoo!!
We had our first real snow of the season Sunday night. Even though it was dark, we all headed out with about 15 kids from the cul de sac for the building of snow forts and sledding. We came in at 8:30 just in time to hear that schools would be closed Monday. We heard the older kids still out until almost 11pm! The Girly Girls found that their shopping cart was efficient to transport snow for their pile, um, castle.
Woke up Monday to about 6 inches and then we got another 2-3 during the day. Ever the Girly Girls, the kiddos were insistant that they needed to wear dresses (Um, no!) and that all their layers needed to macth. I reasoned that it was OK to not match (just this once, lol!) because their tops would be covered by their coats.
So they were bundled up best we could. Luckily the $1 consignment sale boots I picked up just in case still fit (we hardly ever get snow that amounts to anything) and they headed out. I'm not one for cold so I took pictures out the open window with the zoom lense. I did get bundled up and joined them for round three (or was it four?) after a reminder email from the teacher that we had build a snowman homework.
It all iced over last night and school is closed again. But the forecast says it will be in the low 70's on Sunday.