Paul and I went to bed right before midnight and woke up a little before 6 AM to drag it all outside for the big yard sale. Folks started arriving just before 7!! We had many customers from 45 minutes to an hour away. Three neighborhood all do their sale on the same morning, making it a bargain shoppers playground.
It was steady throughout the morning. We were bargained down on most of our offerings, but the goal was to SELL!! The girlies sold a little bit of lemonade, but probably drank just as much and handed it out to their friends who came by. They also went two houses over and shopped, bring home 'new' build-@-bear animals and outfits bargain priced at $1.
Our goal was $500- the initial fee at our selected agency. We attempted to keep a running tally, but a few things here and there didn't get accounted for when it was busy. With an hour left it looked like we were $100 short. We had a few last minute sales and our tally had the total at $440. When we counted all the cash (and one check from a friend) and the seed money we put in for change we had $635 in bills and another $15 in quarters!
To say that we are excited about His provision is an understatement!
Our neighborhood yard sale coordinator had arranged for a charity van to be at the pool to collect donations, so we packed up several boxes of odds and ends that we didn't want to try to sell again. If felt great to clear out. We still have quite a bit of really good stuff left too. The sale is advertised tomorrow afternoon as well, but we are expecting rain. If it's clear after church, we'll see if we can move anything else. I took pictures of everything while it was spread out so I can list it on cr@igsl!st and try to sell it that way.
We are exhausted. Tomorrow afternoon we'll fill out the family info form. We need some family and passport pictures, and we are going to open a separate checking account next week. Looks like the ball is officially rolling!
Praise God!

1 comment:
Oh Kelly, this is wonderful!!! I love seeing how God provided, and I look forward to watching your journey with GREAT anticipation!
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