I have been following Linny's blog for almost 18 months, and have set aside a few items for our own family memorial box, but have never posted an official Memorial Box Monday post before. I have also been on the hunt for a 'box' and haven't found anything yet. Today Linny posted that she had a starter box to giveaway- you just had to post a Memorial Box Monday story telling of God's faithfulness.
Seems like the time is perfect for me to jump in.
The short background is that almost exactly two years ago I felt the Lord tell me at a church service where a family was sharing about their recent adoption of two beautiful children that our family was to adopt a child from China. Took me many months to get up the courage to even share that with Paul. I felt sure he'd be closed to the idea. In the meantime I researched adoption, became aware of special needs children and began sponsoring a child. About seven months later I finally felt it was time to share my heart. He agreed that we were being called to adopt- just not anytime soon. We, in fact, didn't even qualify at the time.
Fast forward a full year later, to January 2010. As we discussed the new year at hand Paul said that this seemed like it would be the year we'd get started, just a lot later into the year. But still, what progress!! I had been praying without ceasing that his heart would soften. A huge concern- we don't have any savings to pay for an adoption. We'd have to rely completely on God's provision. I'd seen so many blog testimonies of families who had trusted in Him and seen miraculous provision. I knew I could count on God if we were willing to step out in faith. Still, easier said than done.
Several weeks ago I had continual overwhelming feelings that we needed to start...now! The sermons at church were about stepping out in faith. Blogs I regularly follow were talking about the responsibility we have as Christians to take care of orphans and there were so many links to families who had depended fully on God to provide. So I prayed, God- if this is your timing please provide the money we need to apply to the agency we had selected and get the ball rolling.
We were scheduled to participate in a neighborhood wide yard sale. We worked hard cleaning out closets and gathering items to sell. The girlies were on board, agreeing to sell some of their outgrown 'treasures' to help go get their sister in China. The weatherman was calling for rain, but it held off. Turnout was steady, and at the end of the day we had exactly what we needed to cover the agency application!
God provided just what we needed and He confirmed to us that this is indeed His perfect timing to start the journey to adopt.
I'm not sure exactly what item I'll put in our Memorial Box. I'll have to think about that (any suggestions??).
It has been difficult to wait two full years to start the process, but it's so exciting to know that THIS is the exact time that HE has planned.
Let the fundraising begin!!

Kelly!!!! Oh that is so exciting!!!!!! God WILL provide. I cannot wait to watch your journey unfold!!!!!!! He provided with both of our adoptions in ways we never could have imagined...Praise God for the beginning of an awesome journey!
Hopped over from Linny's blog.
God will absolutley provide for your adoption. He has done so for us.
Just last night, our older son...who we 'adopted" at the age of 16...suggested we needed to adopt a little boy.
I said, "We don't have the money."
He said, "Come one now. The LORD will provide." He was using my own words on me!
We'll see.
That is such an encouragement. Its basically the same story with me and my husband. Hesitating to bring it up and then be stunned when they agree. Our family doesn't currently qualify, but when we do, we will be starting the process of adopting a daughter from China. I can't wait! And thanks for sharing.
I am so thrilled for you all!! YIppee Jesus!! And yes, God will provide every single penny as you trust Him to do it...dont' rely on credit cards or loans...watch what HE will do...it's gonna' be stinkin' amazing...
And thank you for doing a post...
As far as what to put in? Hmmm...a picture from the Yard sale? Or a little yard sale sign (even have the girlies make one)...or a copy of the check after it's been cashed? Just some ideas...
I love this story Kelly! The way your heart is so open to God's voice, how you waited for the right time to ask Paul ... his softened heart for your words and for being obedient to God ... for your patience and your worship while you waited ... I am so excited to see this adoption unfold before you guys!
Oh, Kelly, congratulations!!! I know what a scary step you are taking, but it's amazing what God does when we take Him out of the box, and step out on faith. He will provide! He sold lots of cattle on His many hills for us, and I have no doubt He's fixing to sell a few more for you!
Congratulations, I can't wait to see what the Lord does!
hmm...what little item for your memorial box...what about a little pair of shoes figurine since you are stepping out on faith? Or maybe one of those little rocks that say "faith?" I've seen those at Christian bookstores.
What a beautiful thing to watch God unfold His plans! We are in the same boat. We do not quite qualify but I am just having Faith that God will take care of it all and show us what to do. I cannot WAIT to watch your journey unfold! I will be praying for each step of the way!
I love that you are on this journey...and that our journeys are "overlapping". God is SO good!!!
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